Saturday, September 22, 2012

As the weeks roll by

It is hard to believe that this time last year Grant and I were planning our first trip to Europe together. A trip we had on our bucket list (our bucket list is more things we wanted to do together before we had children) since we met. Now I am on a plane heading to a National Sales Meeting in Chicago…6 months pregnant with our son and daughter.

So much has happened…so many amazing things.

In September 2011 we took that trip…the trip to the last two destinations on our list of places to go before we had children…France and Italy.

In December 2011 we started seriously heading down the fertility pathway with the Florida Institute of Reproductive Medicine in Jacksonville. That is when we found out that our insurance would cover our IVF expenses. What a blessing!

In January 2012 we thought we lost a free incentive trip back to Europe. The decision was made to start IVF.

On February 3, 2012 we started IVF.

On March 3, 2012 we got our first positive home pregnancy test.

On March 6, 2012 we got our first positive blood test.

On March 26, 2012 we had our first ultrasound and together with my Mom and sister, found out we were having twins!

Shortly there after we found out we, in fact, did win that trip to Europe!

On April 20, 2012 we headed to Europe for one last hurrah!

On June 8, 2012 we found out that we were having a boy and a girl!!

On June 28, 2012 I was given an unexpected, spontaneous raise at work

On June 29, 2012 Grant was offered a new job…with more vacation time and childcare on-site

On July 7, 2012 Grant felt the babies kick for the first time. :)

Now I feel like we are in the home stretch. God has provided so much for us and we are forever grateful.