Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all from Sunny Florida!!

Hawaiian Santa in Fort Myers.

This is how some people down here chose to celebrate the season!

Nothing says Christmas quite like lights on a palm tree in 80 degree weather!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

More Graduation Photos - Congratulations Honey!

Here are a few more photos.

He did it! Grant graduated!

Grant and I had a great time visiting family and friends in Fort Myers over the weekend. It was a joy to see Grant walk across the stage at his graduation. I am so proud of the perseverance he displayed through three different schools in 2 different cities culminating with his graduation on Saturday. We were joined in celebration by my Aunt Diane, Grant’s parents and both sets of his grandparents. I feel that we have looked towards this event for so long. The end of college. The end of long distance. The beginning of so much more. In a way, we have made it together. We are now starting our lives together.

Not only did Grant graduate, but we are now moved into our first home! With the generous help of my brothers and the use of my mom’s minivan, we have moved almost all of our things into our apartment. I never realized how much stuff we had and how much we still need! We are slowly unpacking and making our place a home. The first thing Grant unpacked was our television, which had been previously used as a Christmas card stand by his parents. (We kept the box and can bring it back if you still need it!!) I continued to unpack our wedding gifts and other necessities. We are looking forward to having our HD cable installed this week and experiencing football in a whole new way! Our mattresses and sofa were delivered this week and our bedroom furniture should come in a couple of weeks. It is so nice see each other each and every day. Since we spent so much time apart we really know how lucky we are!

Have a Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Moving Day

Today is the day. Grant and I get our keys to our first place together at 2PM. I am so excited! We will only be able to move in a few things today and will do more tomorrow and Sunday after we return from our trip to Fort Myers this weekend for Grant's graduation. Slowly our furniture will be delivered and we will begin to really make our new place a home!

It is just amazing to have Grant back with me. I have missed him so much! We are enjoying every moment together! The little things are the most special though. On Tuesday night we watched a movie, last night we made dinner together. I just love seeing him when I get home from work each and every day!

Grant had a great homecoming weekend. We went to see "Blood Diamond" on Friday, went shopping on Saturday and went to the Jags game on Sunday. Here is a photo of us at last week's AMAZING Jaguars game against Peyton Manning and the Colts!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

He's Coming!

Grant is coming! Yesterday, Grant took his last exams at FGCU. Today, Grant is packing all of his things. Tomorrow, Grant is moving to Jacksonville! I am so excited! We move into our new place a week from tomorrow and Grant graduates a week from Saturday. Everything is coming together and we are looking forward to being a real married couple…no longer separated by 6 hours of highway and no direct flights.

So far the only things we’ve gotten for our first home is a bedroom set, end tables and a coffee table and the fabulous television that Grant got on Black Friday. We still need so much. Everything from a dining room set to couches to mattresses and whatever we want to put in the second bedroom. This weekend we will try to find those essentials for our move in on the 15th – which I cannot believe is close to a week away!!