Sunday, March 14, 2010

A weekend at the dog park and beach

This weekend we spent quality time with Reagan and Penelope. The weather was amazing and we couldn't waste it inside.

On Saturday we took the girls for a ride in the convertible to the dog park and Petco. The girls loved the car they always do!

At the dog park Reagan and Penelope refused to play with the other dogs. Instead they spent most of the time either at our feet whining to be picked up or sitting on my lap. I guess the dog park just isn't their thing!

The girls loved shopping at Petco. We bought them some rawhides and shampoo.

Today we took a walk to the beach. They loved the walk and enjoyed running around in the wind at the beach. It was a lot of fun to take them to all of their favorite places this weekend!


  1. The weather does look awesome! Love all the cute pictures =)

  2. love all the pics. the weather this weekend was GREAT! Too funny that they didn't want to play with other pups. Isn't it hard to drive with two pups roaming around, and in a convertible? I'd be afraid of a squirrel grabbing their attention and off they go. So great that your beaches allow dogs and off-leash. Only one place here does.
