Saturday, February 04, 2012

East Coast Adventure

Two weekends ago I traveled to New York City to visit my good friend Danielle. I was able to get a great deal on my direct flight at just $81 each way...probably because not many people fly from Florida to NYC in January! In the weeks leading up to my trip I continuously checked the weather forecast. At first it didn't look too bad...high 40s and low 50s. However, each week the forecast got colder and colder. I had to search through all of my belongings to find appropriate clothing for weather in the low 30s and SNOW! I went to Target and bought some rain boots and liners figuring that I'd definitely need some sort of waterproof shoes if I were to venture out at all during the day. Luckily the boots were on clearance at Target for just $9! What a deal! And they were super with multi-colored polka dots. The day I was to leave I searched the house for my gloves and hat...I had just used them when we went to Park City in December, but now they were nowhere to be found. I went to a shopping expedition to find gloves and a hat in Florida when it was 70+ degrees out. All I found was a pair of red gloves once again on clearance at Target. 

I flew up to New York on Friday night and was looking forward to seeing Danielle, her new place and meeting her boyfriend. Upon arrival in NYC I grabbed a taxi and rode from JFK to the Upper East Side. I was so excited to see Danielle waiting outside when I got out of the cab. It was cold, but not too bad. We went to dinner and spent the night catching up. 

The next morning we got up early and saw that it was snowing outside!! We drank a cup of coffee, went to a local bagel shop for breakfast and headed straight for Central Park. It was so beautiful. There were dogs playing, kids sledding and crazy people running the Manhattan Half Marathon! We walked around until we couldn't feel our toes any more. 

After spending time in the Park we ventured to La Duree, home of amazing macarons from France. Grant and I got these same macarons when we were in Paris last September. Yum! After that pit stop we took the subway to another part of the city...Union Square I shop. We got some warm apple cider at the farmers' market and enjoyed shopping the afternoon away. Amidst our shopping we stopped for the heaviest, yet very tasty, lunch at ABC Kitchen. I think Danielle and I both were full for the rest of the weekend after that lunch!

That night I got to meet Danielle's boyfriend Bill. We went to dinner at Buddakan and out afterwards for drinks. It was a fun night in the meat packing district...I am still wondering if they actually pack meat in that area...but nonetheless it was a fun place to go out. 

On Sunday we slept in, relaxed and then grabbed lunch at Penelope's. I was excited to go to my dog's restaurant in NYC. I only wish Penelope could have joined us. :) After breakfast we went to a bar to watch the NFL playoff games. It was a fun day that ended with a good dinner at the Japanese restaurant just below Danielle's apartment. 

On Monday I headed to DC for a work meeting. It was nice to see my coworkers and we stayed at a fabulous resort...the Gaylord National Resort. I was so proud of myself for getting in two workouts at the meeting. We are usually so busy that I bring my workout clothes with the best of intentions, but never take them out of my suitcase. I found out at my meeting that I missed winning our incentive trip by about 109 pills...which is nothing and equated to about 1.02% separating me from the guy who beat me. The trip would have been an amazing week-long Mediterranean cruise on the Seabourn Sojourner. It was quite a disappointment after having such a great year last year. Oh well...I suppose it was not meant to be.

I got back home last Wednesday night. I was so excited to see Grant and the girls. Grant surprised me by making reservations at Ruth's Chris for a celebratory dinner on Friday night. I felt so special and loved. 


  1. The snow is so pretty. Reminds me of our trip to Chicago!!!

  2. Omg that trip was so fun...and we did have some crazy weather!
