We will start with Christmas. It was wonderful to finally share a Christmas with Grant. My family always does dinner on Christmas Eve. Grant, Tess and I made a bunch of Christmas cookies (thanks to Kari and Aunt Nancy for the cookie cutters and supplies) and brought them to dinner. We each opened one gift and then went home. When I woke up on Christmas morning I walked into our living room and saw my presents all together in the center of the room. Grant said that Santa must have been lost because we never got a tree! I was so excited!! I opened my gifts from Grant right away. He got me some perfume, the hair straightener that I wanted and PINK golf clubs with PINK golf tees and a PINK golf towel!! When I was done looking at all of my cool new presents we went over to my parents’ house where I had my presents for Grant. I got him some cologne and a bunch of new work clothes that he needed.
Here is Max, my family’s dog, in all the wrapping paper.

Stay tuned for pictures from Sea World, Fort Myers and New Years Eve!
Awww look at Max!