A while back I had seen an info-mercial for these controllers that plug into your TV that let you play some classic arcade game. I thought it was neat and knew how much Becky loves or maybe should say loved Ms. Pacman, so I had it in my mind to get one for Becky as a gift. It had slipped my mind and forgot all about them until I ran across them at Target near the game section shortly after Christmas...dang few days too late. I showed them to Becky and we purchased the Ms. Pacman one. There are several controllers each with different games on them. The Ms. Pacman came with four other games but we were mainly buying it for one.

At first, neither of us were that great, but now I control the high score. Becky claims that's only because I stayed at home and played it all day but that is simply not true. I was and am a very busy person. The first high score that stuck around for a while was around 35k. Then, I set the new one at 43k. Shortly after that and on the same night, Becky had beaten it (I forget her exact score). Her score held for a while, but a few days later, I topped her with a score of just over 49k. The other night, after Becky went to bed, I played a few games and set a new high score of 54,130. I didn't tell her the whole next day. After dinner, before anything good came on TV she started playing. If she doesn't do well on the first level she restarts or she'll restart if she dies on the first or second level. I do too sometimes, but she is a reset master. She had a decent game going and still hadn't seen the new high score. I was sitting next to her just waiting until she saw it. She got pretty far, and after dying, she looked over to see how close she was to the high score and realized I set a new one! Her face was hilarious as she was surprised and upset somewhat that I didn't tell her, and also because she won't be able to catch me.
She knew I was going to write about my Ms. Pacman domination today, since I didn't yesterday. This gave her one more night to beat my high score and to stop me from posting about my crushing of her in one of her favorite games. She played all night right up until bedtime. On her last game she did really well, but fell short by 2 or 3 thousand points. She was so close, but couldn't pull it out. The frustrating part for her was the last level she played on. During the game floating fruit appears and on this level the fruit was a banana, which is worth 5k points. She had missed getting it and ended up dying in the process of trying to eat it. Had she gotten that one banana this post may not have been written, but it was.
One of the other games is pole position and I enjoy playing it also, and of course I'm rather good at it now.
wow. it's a good thing you got a job. You need something to do.