Thursday, April 23, 2009

Family Matters

Here is a photo of the family on Easter Sunday. Nick came home from Colorado Springs for the weekend. We used to take for granted that we all lived in the same house/town/state. Now that Nick is done with college and interning in Colorado, I know that I miss having all of my siblings around. Nick and I have had our moments growing up, but as we've grown older and wiser we've also grown to appreciate each other.
When Nick started college at UF he had the choice to live in any dorm on campus. I was shocked when he chose to live in the building that I managed as a graduate student. Nick lived one floor above me. While we didn't hang out all of the time, it was nice to know that he chose to live near me and came to me if he ever needed anything.
During college Nick grew into a very compassionate and smart young man. He's made friends and professional contacts through his work for the Independent Florida Alligator as well as numerous newspapers across the state of Florida. He has interned with (covering the Chicago Cubs) and now with the United States Olympic Committee in Colorado Springs, CO. In the near future he is going to have the opportunity to fulfill one of his life-long dreams, covering the Olympics. Who knows where his career and life will lead him; I just hope that it leads him to success and happiness...and not too far from home!
I am super proud of him and glad to have him as my brother.
While it is exciting to see my siblings grow up and become professional and accomplished young people, it is also hard to imagine that one day we might all live in different parts of the country and rarely spend time as a family. In fact, we will all start our own families and traditions. Hopefully we can continue to value our family unit and remain involved in each other's lives.

1 comment:

  1. I love how proud you are of your little brother. :) Go Gators!!!
