Saturday, April 18, 2009


So I have been teasing what our plans are for our yard. I'll start in the beginning...

When we bought our house we spent significant time and money fixing up the interior in order to make our house a home. Now, it is time to fix up our yard.

I was at the gym, watching the TODAY Show. A segment came on that included landscaping ideas from the DoItYourselfNetwork (DIYNetwork). At the conclusion of the segment they mentioned a contest. The DIYNetwork was teaming up with the TODAY Show to redo a landscape! The contest is called "America's Most Desperate Landscape." You could upload a photo or video (<10 minutes in length) by April 19th.

When I saw this I called Grant...mid-run on the treadmill...We decided that we had to enter. I checked out the contest rules and saw that it was being judged on 3 primary criteria: personality, originality and creativity. I thought...we can definitely pull together a video with all three criteria.

The first step was to locate a video camera. I knew that my Mom had one that she used to video tape my little brother, Zack, playing basketball. I called to see if we could borrow it. She said sure, but Zack's friend had lost the power it had no battery power left.

Grant and I ordered a replacement cord online and waited for it to come in. When we got it in the mail we started brainstorming video ideas. We asked my sister Tess to come over and help us film the video. She came over and we filmed our segment.

We wanted to involve some other people in our video. We asked our real estate agent to do a cameo as a local expert as well as four of our favorite neighbors. Penelope also had her say in the video.

We had all of the segments taped. The next step was to upload the video from the camcorder to the computer. We borrowed a cord from my brother's friend, but it didn't fit into our computer. We located a cord at a local office supply store and I picked it up on Friday.

Friday night we uploaded the video clips and spent Friday and part of today editing it.

It is now uploaded on the DIYNetwork site. Click here to take a look at rate our video!

1 comment:

  1. Phew, good think you got your video in in the knick of time!!!
