Saturday, March 03, 2012

Call me asap

When you get a text message that says "Call me asap" it sends your heart racing...especially if that text message is from your boss. Well, that is the text message I received on Wednesday morning. I thought for a second what does he it good? is it bad? Then, I called him.

My boss answered and we exchanged pleasantries. Then, I asked him, "So, what's up?" He replied, "How much vacation time does Grant get?" I knew then that this was a good "Call me asap" moment. I said, "Enough to go on a Mediterranean cruise?" Then my manager replied, "Good, because you won President's Circle of Excellence for 2011."

For those of you not in the pharmaceutical sales world...which is most of you...each company that I have worked for has had an incentive trip called President's Council or President's Circle of Excellence (PCE). These trips are earned by finishing the year in the top 3-5% of all sales reps. Last year I knew I was in the hunt.

I came to this company a little over one year ago to launch their new antipsychotic. My sole goal the first year was to win PCE. We created business plans and wrote down our goals. I wrote down that my goal was to win PCE. One of my colleagues wrote down that her goal was to make quota. I asked her why not strive to be the best? She was concerned that if she did not make that goal she would get in trouble or get evaluated against not making her goal. I've learned over the years to always set high goals and this experience solidified that learning. Long term I want to advance my career into management and beyond and I knew that winning PCE during the launch year of this new drug would establish myself as a leader at my new company.

I tracked my progress versus my peers all year. I had consistent top performance, but also had a very high quota and knew that as I continued to finish above quota my quota would only go up, and make it more difficult for me to win PCE. It came down to the last week of 2011. I remember striving to make each day and each call count last year. I would be driving home, and detouring to make that extra call, hoping that it would bring me that much closer to winning PCE. I had many superstitions during this time as well. Once I saw that I could really win I began wearing a bracelet from my Aunt Dorothy each day. My company sent out a postcard encouraging us all to strive for PCE. I put that postcard in my car and looked at it daily. I saved inspirational fortunes from fortune cookies. One in particular stated that my consistency will lead to reward.

When the final numbers came in I thought I had lost by 1.02% or about 109 pills...the narrowest of margins. I had accepted defeat, but in the back of my mind I hadn't totally given up hope as my company hadn't published the winners.

After that call with my manager, I called Grant. He answered while at work. I asked him if he had anything going on at work in the end of April. He said no. I said that's good because ... WE'RE GOING TO EUROPE!!!!!! I think I screamed it. I was so excited...and still in shock.

Later that day I called my manager again and left him a voicemail. "Hi, I think we talked earlier...that or I had this crazy any case please call me back and let me know if we did, in fact, talk. If that is the case, I have a few questions." He texted me back..."Becky, I got your message...we didn't talk...not sure what you are talking about." HaHa funny...he was kidding.

I still didn't share my news with many that day. I couldn't believe it was true until I saw my name in writing as a PCE winner. Yesterday I received the confirmation I needed. I got an email...well several...with the official invitation, a list of winners (me included) and a request for bio information. It's really happening. I am so excited.

On top of the recognition of a job well done at my company, PCE is a trip...a luxury Mediterranean cruise...for me and a guest. There are so many people I wish could come. I wish I could fill the boat with friends and family...but I can only bring one, of course, I picked Grant. :)

Here is our itinerary...

Fri. Barcelona, Spain 5:00pm

Sat. Marseille (Provence), France 8:00am 8:00pm

Sun. Monte Carlo, Monaco 8:00am 8:00pm

Mon. Portovenere, Italy 8:00am 8:00pm

Tue. Livorno (Florence), Italy 6:00am 6:00pm

Wed. Sorrento, Italy 2:00pm Overnight

Thurs. Sorrento, Italy Overnight 6:00pm

Fri. Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy 7:00am
Here is the boat...the Seabourn Sojourn:


  1. Congratulations, Becky! :-) This trip sounds like it will be a blast!

  2. Wow! Congrats! All your hard work was definitely rewarded. You deserve it and I hope you have an amazing time!!

  3. Thanks, girls!! I still cannot believe it!!! :) We are going to visit London, Belgium and Amsterdam while we are over there too! I feel so blessed!

  4. Awesome!!! I think I am in the wrong field! haha Have fun!

  5. Way to go, Becky! When are you going?

  6. WOOHOO! Fantastic job. Seriously some hard work... as I know being on the other end of the drug rep circle. Way to rock it. Enjoy your cruise!
