Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What does Penelope do while we are at work?

Many people may wonder what Penelope does all day while we are at work.

In a typical day we get up at 6:30am. I go to the gym while Grant takes Penelope out, feeds her breakfast and gets ready for work. After I get home, shower and get ready for work, I take Penelope out again around 8:15am. Then, Penelope is on her own until 12:15, when I come home for lunch.

Here is what Penelope is up to in the mornings.First, she makes our bed.

Then, she tries to remember what channel is Animal Planet.

Instead, she found TLC. Another great episode of "Little People, Big World."

I return to work after about an hour and Penelope is then left to rule the roost until Grant gets home around 4:30pm. Here is what she does during the afternoons.

She plays with her toys under the couch.

Then, she texts her friends to see what they're up to.

Penelope is definitely a busy puppy!

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