Thursday, May 28, 2009

3 Year Anniversary Trip to VEGAS!

Over Memorial Day weekend Grant and I made a trip to Las Vegas to celebrate our 3 year wedding anniversary and meet up with some friends from Utah.
We stayed at NYNY and were able to catch a few shows including "LOVE" and "LE REVE." I really liked "LE REVE." It was similar to "O" with a lot of water involved.

We also ate at some great restaurants including Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill and Joe's Stone Crab. While we weren't eating or seeing shows we walked the strip, spent time at the pool, gambled and hung out with our friends Natalie and Ryan.

It was a wonderful trip!! The only bad part is getting back used to East Coast time!!


  1. WOW! It's hard to believe it's been three years already! Happy Anniversary!

  2. Fun! Fun! We'll make it to Vegas someday. :)
