Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Part 8: Back Up

So we had our Embryo Transfer on 2/25. It was in the morning of 2/29 that I got that text message from my manager asking me to, “Call me asap.” Four days after we transferred our embryos I found out that while I had been planning to not be pregnant on the incentive trip. The trip I thought I had lost by the narrowest of margins. That day I found out that I had, in fact, earned that trip. Grant and I were headed to Europe in less than two months!

Us Type A people spend our lives planning everything. I planned where I’d go to college. When I met Grant I knew he’d be the one I’d marry. I knew our wedding date before he proposed. I owned all of the moves in my career, always staying a step ahead of any foreseeable obstacles. My plan was to win the incentive trip, the goal I had set for myself when I came to this company, go on the trip and then get pregnant. That was not God’s plan. God’s plan was for me to have it all, and have it all at once. So I thought I lost the trip, we got pregnant, four days after the transfer I find out that I did win the incentive trip. Then, less than a month later we found out that we were having TWINS! I call it happy hour at the fertility clinic…two for one!

My mom was, of course, terrified at the thought of us traveling overseas pregnant. I know, though, that this was all God’s plan. I asked the doctor, with my mom in the room, if it was ok if we traveled while pregnant. He said yes. I asked if it was ok if we traveled overseas in less than a month for two weeks. He said of course. I hoped that settled my Mom’s nerves, but I knew she was still on edge.

I had one trip before we left for Europe. The twins were going to be in their first wedding (at 7 weeks 4 days)! One of my dearest friends, a friend I’ve had since first grade, was getting married! I packed my bags and traveled up to Philadelphia to be there for her and her now husband, Keith. It was an amazing weekend. Jenny and Keith were surrounded by love and warmth. The wedding was absolutely gorgeous. Jenny was beautiful beyond words. And I barely fit into my bridesmaids dress! ;) Congratulations, Jenny and Keith!

 Me and Marin :)

 Jordan, Marin and Me

 Me and Jordan at dinner

 Me and the Bride :)

 The kiss!! Congrats Jenny and Keith!!!

 The four of us...all married...all friends from first grade!

 Most of the bridesmaids :)

 Marin, Jenny and me

Me, Marin, David and Jordan


  1. Seems like God had it all figured out :) 'Most' of the bridesmaids? That's a LOT!!!

  2. Love the bridesmaids dresses. And I'm thrilled you were able to travel.

  3. Thanks, there were 9 bridesmaids! I was glad I could travel too. It was a great weekend of celebrating!
