Sunday, January 16, 2005

The True Story of the Start

this is grant, I did suggest that we started a blog together just for fun. I was just throwing the idea out there and seeing what becky had thought of it. Once i had gotten the okay from the boss! I would have set the blog up, but becky never gave me the go. she decided to go straight to the bloggers site and begin setting it up. Their will be more true storys comming to a blog near you! seeming how becky turns everything around to make me look like the bad or "lazy" one.

I'm living at home with my parents, sounds fun right? yeah. The times that my classes are at for school are the worst, so I am at school all day long. Maybe i'll actually get some studing done inbetween my class since there is a 3hr gap. I'm a computer science major in my junior year, all the easy fun classes are over with and now it's the important stuff or you could say the hard stuff.

well, Becky is a great person and a great person to make fun of so i'll get on top of that soon, this is just my intro. She does mean a lot to me so it's all fun and games ( i hope ).

My brother has a blog that's how i found out about this. he writes some funny stuff some times i believe their is a way you can make a link to it some how I will try to figure that out soon. I'll probably be refering to it some times to make fun of it, he puts some silly stuff up there. but i will also summarize everything so you don't have to painfully make a trip over to it if you don't want.

silly words of wisdom or "ponder" I think not! but i may but up useful stuff to leave you with to try or apply.

This blog should be updated fairly frequent since their are two people working on it, so i hope to have some juicy stuff up soon for you ( the reader ) to laugh at or make fun of.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for writing the true story. I had a hard time believing that you are as lazy as Becky said. There are two sides to every story.

    What is so painfull about reading my blog?
