Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day!

So today is Valentine's Day and I am sitting here writing a post to my blog. I plan on reading a chapter in my sport law book and in my Research Methods book then I plan on watching the Bachelorette. You may think that I have no Valentine due to the events aforementioned. However, I have the world's best Valentine!

Grant came to visit me on Thursday night. I was so excited to see him!! We exchanged Valentine's Day gifts on Thursday night. He got me Dolce & Gabanna Light Blue perfume that I wanted and I got him Very Sexy Cologne from Victoria's Secret. We watched the Apprentice and went to bed. I woke up Friday morning and carried on with my routine. I went to the gym and came back as Grant was getting up. We ate lunch together and then I had class for an hour. Grant said he was going to visit his brother while I was in class. But, when I got back from class he met me at my apartment with a dozen roses! How sweet is he!?!? I really love him and this weekend proved our connection even more!

We went to the gymnastics meet and to a baseball game and just spent quality time together. I thought I was getting better at long distance. The past few times we left each other after a weekend together I was real strong, no tears. Not this time. I was really sad to see him go. I hate watching him drive away, but each time he leaves I find myself watching his car pull out and holding back the tears, usually unsuccessfully.

I can look forward to seeing him in a couple of weeks when I go and visit him. I cannot wait to kick his butt in miniature golf and go see sunsets. Until then, I have one exam, one 5 page paper, a lot of reading and a ton of research to do for my law term paper. Woohoo! It's Valentine's Day, what a great day to start all this work!

1 comment:

  1. AWWWW!!! This is a really nice story...It brought a tear to my eye!!!! GOOD JOB, GRANT!!
