Sunday, February 20, 2005

How tables can you handle?

So, I was talking to Grant in the Scrabble chat room while kicking his butt 308 to 232. He asked me how many tables I could handle if I were a server.

Preface: Grant works at a restaurant. He has been working at this restaurant for 7 years...that's a really long time!

So, I told him I think I could probably handle 5 tables. He laughs...a lot. How am I supposed to know how many tables I could handle?? I have never worked in a restaurant. Ever. Nor do I ever plan on working as a server. I have actually applied to be one, but I was never hired. :( I guess I am not good enough. But, I still think I could definitely handle 5 tables...I never said they all had to be seated at the same time ;-).

Onto a more important topic. How 'bout them Gators!?!? We kicked some UM (Miami) butt this weekend!! Miami...who was supposed to be #2 in the nation...say hello to the Gators. I love baseball. I love the Spring. I love baseball, in February, in Florida, in shorts and a tank top! The more I think about moving back to Chicago, the more I realize how beautiful Florida really is. But if Gatorade gives me a job I'm on the next flight!

This blog was supposed to be a project involving Grant and Becky...Grant=slacker...where are you babe?

**I beat Grant in the scrabble game for those of you who care. :) I am a scrabble queen!


  1. Grant doesn't have time to post here, he is too busy serving 5 tables at a time!

    Scabble. How are you in boggle? Cari says she could whoop you in boggle.

  2. It's on Cari. I will be there in a coupl weeks and we will crown the Boggle champion. I just might bring scrabble too! ;-)
