Monday, December 14, 2009

Introducing Reagan Elizabeth Zaccardi-Clem!

On Friday we had two special pick ups at the airport.

Jordan came to visit for a few days to enjoy the sunshine and get away from the frozen tundra of Chicago. However, she must have brought the cold air down with her because Friday was the coldest day we've had down here in a long time! I picked her up at the airport when I was done with work and we headed to get pedicures and a bite to eat.

While we were out Grant headed to the airport to pick up Reagan Elizabeth! Grant got home around 7:30 with Reagan. She was SO cute!!! I fell in love instanteously! She was a little out of her element for a bit. It must be hard to wake up in Texas with your family, get dropped of at an airport, fly all day, be picked up in Florida by a stranger and taken to their house and meet Penelope, me, Jordan and some of our friends. Despite all of that change Reagan was so happy and playful! Her and Penelope are starting to play and enjoy each other's company. Reagan really likes chewing on Penelope's dog tags. It's cute, but probably bad for Reagan's teeth!

We got Reagan when she was 9 weeks old, a week later than when we got Penelope. Reagan came to us weighing 4.4 pounds. She is adorable and surprisingly well trained. She whines when she needs to go out and has made only a few accidents in the house. I think having her with the breeder for a little longer has helped with her potty training. We've started to transition her to Penelope's food (Taste of the Wild) and she really likes it.

For now Reagan is sleeping in a crate beside our bed. It is so hard to put her in there at night because all I want to do is cuddle with her! Our worry is her waking up at night and peeing in we'll leave her in the crate for now!

Here are some photos we took and I'll add some videos too!

Reagan in her stocking!

Daddy and daughter #2

Tess and Reagan

Reagan just chillin on the couch

The two girls!

How cute!

Me and my new daughter!

Grant and the girls!

The whole family!


Notice the difference in size...before long Reagan will be as big as Penelope!


  1. You have two beautiful dog-ters. :) I love the picture of the two of them on the couch.

  2. Welcome Reagan! She is very cute.
    I have a picture of Madison in her stocking last year like you have of Reagan! So fun!
