Friday, October 12, 2012

What it feels like being pregnant

A few posts to catch up on from before D-Day!

People ask me all the time how I am feeling now that I am pregnant. The truth is that I really haven’t felt much different. I have overcome mental obstacles…like not fitting into my clothes and not recognizing myself in the mirror. Physically, though, I have not had any morning sickness or nausea. I am a little more tired, but nothing I cannot handle. In the past week I have noticed that I use the bathroom more frequently and wake up throughout the night to do so. It is starting to become more difficult to get out of bed! I have some discoloration on my face (pregnancy mask) and I have gained some weight, but mostly in my belly. I feel like I may not have been created with the ability to conceive children, but I was definitely created to carry them! The next thing that I am worried about is delivering them! We will see how that goes.

The babies like to keep their feet in my ribs...especially on my left side. That has gotten to be quite uncomfortable. I am also having pretty constant heartburn. Luckily I can take Zantac.

I have had this strong inclination lately that I will have to deliver via a c-section. I would prefer to have a vaginal delivery as I feel that is we were created with that method in mind, but with twins I know that a c-section is a good possibility. At the moment both babies are head down...but we'll see what happens as Delivery Day approaches! I suppose I am mentally preparing myself for the worst. I worry about the recovery time, not being able to pick up my babies on my own. Paramount, I worry about the safe delivery of both babies and I am willing to do whatever it takes to do my part in offering them the best, safest route into our lives.

I will keep you all posted. :)

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