Friday, June 17, 2005

where I've been...

Many of you probably have been wondering where grant (me) has been. Well, in effort to get done with school as soon as possible I've dedicated my summer to school and of course Becky. I'm taking two classes each 5-week session. So if you can imagine squeezing a thirteen week class into five weeks you can imagine that it is pretty tough. The classes are three and a half hours long, and the are all lecture based so sitting there listening to someone talk for that long is one of the most non-fun things ever.

Now that I know all about photosynthesis and cellular respiration pretty I feel like I'm ready and prepared to tackle some programming or computer work....oh wait biology has nothing to do with how to write a program or how a computer uses instruction sets or how it functions, this class is great! You've got to love general education requirements! I just finished my marketing class for the summer. Marketing is actually interesting and half useful. Starting on Monday I'll begin advanced business statistics. Finally a class with math, now were talking.

Some other exciting news is the surprise I have for Becky. It's going to happen like this......wait she's a part of this blog sorry maybe you'll read about it in the future from her OR you can get the scoop from my personal blog but its a secret shhh! [that is way harsh! I was very exicted until you stopped...~B]

Becky is turning a year older this coming Thursday, so I will be traveling up to see her next weekend and spending her birthday with her. Since we been together we have never actually been together on her birthday and this year due to school I will be getting there late on her birthday, but I will be there on her birthday so it is rather exciting and hopefully it will start the trend of spending every birthday with her. She's the best! [aw, honey I love you! But you said you were coming on Friday~that is NOT my birthday]

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