Saturday, June 16, 2012

Back Stateside and Baby Update

We arrived home Sunday night. I left on Monday for Augusta. I had a field ride with my new manager in Augusta on Tuesday and Wednesday. One night at home…then two more nights in hotels. The field ride went well. I shared with my new boss that we were expecting twins. She was excited for us. We made some great calls. I headed back home on Wednesday afternoon and had my next doctor’s appointment on Thursday.

This was my first appointment at the high risk OB. High risk because we are having twins, which I don’t really see as high risk because it is so common these days (1/32 births in the US is now a twin birth and of those 50% are vaginal), but oh well. More doctor’s appointments and more monitoring can’t hurt. This office was crazy crowded, so much so that there weren’t enough seats for the pregnant people in the waiting room. The receptionist had to make several announcements for the non-pregnant fathers, grand parents, children to get out of the seats for the women who were visibly pregnant.

We met with the ARNP. She was kind of cold. I didn’t have many questions since we had been through all of this with my Reproductive Endocrinologist and my regular OB. Then we got to see the babies! That is always my favorite! They were definitely growing and moving! This ultrasound was to check for markers for Down Syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities. The measured the skin behind their necks and their nasal bones. All looked great! Then, I had a finger prick done and would get the results in about a week. The results came back all clear! Yay! The doctor was great and after all of that we were free.

I had a follow up at my regular OB the following week where we used a Doppler to hear the heartbeats and they took vitals for me. It was a quick appointment.

Everything was looking great with the babies. The weeks were progressing fast. I still didn’t look that pregnant. I was still in the, “I’m too afraid to ask her if she is pregnant because she might have just put on a few pounds” stage and even today at 18 weeks 4 days I still feel that way! I was even mistaken for a college student yesterday! SCORE!

1 comment:

  1. I love when the ultrasounds start to look like little babies. Yay for good health and pregnancy progress :)
