Friday, June 01, 2012

Part 13: Barcelona!

Our next stop was Barcelona! This meant that we were that much closer to boarding the yacht for my incentive trip!!

Barcelona was very pretty in many areas and very seedy by the airport. The Gothic Quarter was my favorite. I loved walking the narrow streets and checking out all of the shops. The architecture, specifically Gaudi's works, was remarkable. We spent two days in Barcelona and enjoyed tapas, sightseeing and shopping. But...I was most excited about getting on that boat!!!

  Gaudi...very cool!

La Sagrada Familia

 Am I in Barcelona or Paris?!
 The Gothic Quarter

 Prosciutto shop...mmmmm!!
 I <3 Falafel!!
 Las Ramblas = overrated...I called it the International Drive of Barcelona...those of you who live in Orlando know what I mean.
 This market was very cool...he's cutting the prosciutto right off the leg/hoof!!

 A few photos from Parc Guell
I loved the fresh flowers in our hotel lobby

Next stop...the Seabourn Sojourn!!!

1 comment:

  1. There was a lot of beautiful and unique architecture there. When we visited Madrid a few years back I didn't love it. Seville, further south, was much more flavorful and interesting.
