Friday, June 01, 2012

Part 10: I'm a NORMAL pregnant woman!

A couple weeks had past and on April 16th I went to my first "normal OBGYN" appointment! I was so excited to be in a waiting room filled with other normal pregnant women. It felt like it too forever to get to that point, but I was happy to be there.

I chose my OB based on a couple major factors.
1. Delivering at a hospital that took my insurance and had a NICU...check
2. Experience with multiples...check

The doctor I chose has her own set of twins and her husband is a fellow drug rep. So I felt great about going to see her, happy that she could relate to my twin pregnancy and my job...from a personal level.

I went it, got weighed. I think I had gained 6 pounds at that appointment and I was 9 weeks 6 days pregnant. I got to see the babies favorite part of my appointments. They were moving around. It was really cool to see that. They had gotten so big...again and were measuring the same, which is great.
 Both together...looking like frogs...a strange angle, but at this point it was hard to get them both in the same photo.
 Twin you see the little hand? So cute!
Twin A

All was great with the babies. Our next appointment would be after our return from Europe on 5/10 at a high risk specialist...since we're having multiples. At that appointment they would perform a Down Syndrome test which included an ultrasound and finger prick (me on the babies!). Until then, we were off to enjoy the rewards of a hard year of work...Europe here we come!!


  1. My cousin has 7 week old twin boys. I remember her saying how neat it is to watch them moving on ultrasound. When they were a little bigger/older than yours, they looked like they were interacting :) I think being there, watching the video 'live' is so cool for one, and can only imagine watching two. I forget, are you planning on finding out genders?

  2. Yes...we have a gender party planned for next Friday...assuming the babies cooperate! I'll be just over 17 weeks, so I'm hoping we can find out...or we'll keep waiting! :)

  3. WOW already 16 weeks then. That is CRAZY! Hunker down because it goes FAST! I love the baby pictures. So sweet! I'm so happy for you both. WOOHOO.

  4. Awesome!! Congratulations, you guys :) This is wonderful news, yay for twins!! Have fun in Europe also :)

  5. I know this may be asking a lot, but is there anyway you can email me when you kindly respond to a question in my comments? I just happened back to this post to see you had responded to me. Gender party sounds like fun fun fun!
